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Almost Nobody Does Crazy Like Sheehan

October 22nd, 2008 by Kevin

Few weeks ago I pointed out that Cynthia McKinney is batshit crazy.  As it turns out Cindy Sheehan is almost as crazy.  She\’s apparently believe her campaign against Pelosi is being sabotaged.

Amongst her claims:

  • During the DNC, hotel staff claimed they were changing a light bulb but it was really AT&T bugging her phone.  Evidence for this has not been forthcoming.
  • Organizers of a LA musical festival wouldn\’t let her speak, even claiming that the mayor intervened to silence her speech.  Seems like she\’s mostly pissed that this wasted a day of campaigning…although a wise person would point out that a person running for office in San Fransisco is wasting a day no matter what they are doing in LA.
  • Can\’t understand why one of our volunteers turned out to be batshit crazy….so it must be that they are a spy for Pelosi.
  • The taillights on her RV were busted out.  This is an obvious conspiracy against her….which should be a shock to thousands of people across the country who have had their vehicle bumped by another in a parking lot.  It\’s especially shocking to other campaigns across the country whose vehicles have received far worse.
  • Despite her admission that her campaign office is in a \”rough part of town\”, the fact that four people came into her campaign office and tried to steal a computer, is absolutely positive evidence of a conspiracy.
  • She\’s been summoned for Jury Duty….which apparently has never happened to anyone before her.
  • All those robo calls she scheduled that accidentally took place at like 10:30 pm due to a computer error were really evidence of a mass conspiracy.  Because any robo calling business is looking for a reason to piss off their customers and develop a bad reputation just for the fun of it.

With Cynthia McKinney on the east coast and Cindy Sheehan on the west coast, \”flyover country\” has never looked so good.

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The Elimination Of Dissent

October 14th, 2008 by Kevin

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Nobody Does Batshit Crazy Like…

October 2nd, 2008 by Kevin

…Cynthia McKinney and the liberals who believe her.  You\’ll remember her, the crazed lunatic from Louisana that thought it was her constitutional right to punch Capitol police officers and waved the race card if someone so much as took her parking spot.

Well she\’s back and this time she\’s got a heck of a story to tell.  Did you know the Department of Defense executed 5000 prisoners during Katrina and dumped them in the Louisana swamps?? You didn\’t??? Oh well then you need to hear Cynthia \”I swear I\’m not crazy\” McKinney tell her story.

Note : You\’ll want to not be drinking anything during this…

Wow.  Not only is she a former Representative, but she\’s also a presidential candidate (Green Party).  It just proves the old saying is true, anyone CAN grow up and be President…..or at least run for President.

So she heard from her friend\’s brother\’s boss\’s cousin\’s former roomate that somebody disposed of lots of executed bodies in a swamp.  And not only have none of those prisoner\’s families asked questions, but none of the soldiers that shot them has spoken out.  And even though people live in and around those swamps, nobody reported finding a single body even though that\’s a body count greater than 9/11.  But don\’t worry some anonymous source in the Red Cross confirmed it!

Now normally this is one of those moments you just laugh at her and then feel guilty because it\’s not nice to laugh at the mentally ill.  But then you start crying because there are people that actually take her, and this claim in particular seriously.

I swung by the Democratic Underground, which is a popular forum for liberals of all strands….and what did they have to say about this \”revelation\” by McKinney???

reggie the dog:

perhaps local whites paniced
and shot a bunch of \”niggers\”, as they probably called them, as soon as they made it to dry ground…..


Nobody cares about prisoners that\’s why it wasn\’t in the news. Btw, heard anything about the missing in Texas lately?
Probably not.
These guys are good at covering up their crimes. They thrive on confusion and disinfo.


Whether this is true or not, it makes me literally sick to my stomach.

And my inclination is to trust McKinney. I don\’t think she would lie about something like this. I just don\’t know if I trust those who told her this.

If they were prisoners, it would be easy to tell the families that they drowned and have it be believed, because the families wouldn\’t have seen them before they disappeared, wouldn\’t have known the circumstances.


Most likely is that she\’s right, or that she\’s lost her mind.

Time will tell. Neither of your explanations makes sense.
I don\’t think Cynthia is easily duped, and it would be
insane to lie about something like this for no reason.

Third possibility: she\’s slitting her political throat
because of threats or blackmail.

Granted there are alot of people that think McKinney is crazy as well, but there are also plenty more over there that think it\’s completely believable.

When people are this easily misled and this frigging gullible it explains the popularity of Obama.

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Draft Watch

September 23rd, 2008 by Kevin

During both the 2000 and 2004 elections, liberals declared that if elected/re-elected Bush would institute a draft. They declare it was necessary to accomplish one or more of the following:

  • New World Order
  • Iraq War
  • Operate the prisoner camps that would dot the landscape
  • Ensure sufficient production of Barbie playhouses
  • Vanquish Dick Cheney

However, despite repeated promises and our vigilant watch for a draft of any kind, none has yet materialized. Despite there only being a few months left in his term, since the liberals were so adamant, we have to assume Bush is just doing a really good job of writing up the draft before declaring a coup and taking over the world. Either that or liberals are lying out there ass to exploit the fears of young people….nah couldn\’t be.

And we assume it\’s only a matter of time before McCain is accused of wanting a draft as well.

UPDATE : Never mind….McCain has already been accused. We\’re sure they are just as truthful about McCain as they are about Bush. Honestly….trust them!

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It\’s Not Over Until The Tear Gas Flies

September 4th, 2008 by Kevin

As I indicated earlier, I was helping to monitor the protests downtown as part of the True North team. Disappointed by the pitiful protest staged at noon, which you can read about here, we came back to our super-secret bunker in the heart of the beast and tried to get a sense of what the protesters had planned. We were getting tips and hearing rumors all over the city. In fact, the city of St. Paul itself informed it\’s downtown business to send home workers by 3 pm, so we knew they were expecting trouble. Right on cue, our observer on scene, Mitch Berg, reported numbers gathering on the capitol grounds, so I high-tailed it down there to join him.

This crowd was definitely bigger. I\’d estimate between 1000 and 1500 people. Before I knew it the crowd started moving and Mitch and I had to move to keep in front of them. That was kinda fun, trying to outguess a crowd and guessing what the mob mentality was going to achieve. When the crowd deviated from their approved route, the police revoked their permit and trapped them on the John Ireland bridge. Fortunately Mitch and I were on the \”good\” side of the police line and was able to watch riot police, mounted police, bike police, police on ATVs, motorcycle police, BCA and Secret Service deploy and redeploy. Put on gas masks, then take them off, put them on and then off again. You can see the live blog of the event here, and apparently KSTP had a camera on the opposite side of the protest and you can see that report here.

Despite claims that they\’d stay there all night if they had to, the protesters eventually dispersed. Or did they??

Well as it turns out, a couple hours later, assuming every thing was petering out and was going to be limited to small skirmishes I headed out of downtown with Andy, whom I had since linked up with. We had just managed to find our way back over I-94, when suddenly a protest march was coming right at us. Less than a 1000 people but still sizeable, 400-500 likely. Where they managed to assemble that number of people is unsure, but they were trying to find a way across I-94 and apparently tried to use the same method we did. The highway (I-94) plays a very strategic role. It\’s a natural barrier and with limited number of crossings to \”defend\”.

But it appears the police might have been caught off guard by this one because they really had to struggle to redeploy in time to block them. It was nothing like the very organized responses I saw earlier, in which the police appeared to know what the protesters were gonna do before they did. This was obviously very ad hoc, but they managed to prevent the protesters from taking the Marion overpass. Protesters were turned back north toward the Sears by the Capitol and the next thing we knew the parking lots were filled with flashbangs and tear gas and we were briefly caught within police lines. Turns out the police had formed a police line north of Sears using cops on bicycles, the crowd challenged the line and tried to force their way through.  Police responded.

Fortunately the crowd moved back toward the Marion overpass and police redeployed toward them. Further flashbangs and tear gas announced another confrontation. Once the gas had cleared we discovered that police had trapped and arrested about 200 protesters. That number is not confirmed, only my guesstimation from looking at the number of people on the ground, in cuffs.

Protesters were still gathered around the area but the police now had proper police lines in place and reserves at the ready and kept them back so the arrested could be processed. However, the police had also ordered gawkers to disperse as well.

The tear gas and flashbangs took the fight out of most of the crowd, because most of the protesters scattered and there were many pulling out their cellphones trying to find lost, and potentially arrested, comrades. What little group that was still assembled (maybe 150) is mostly \”street medics\”, lawyers and \”peace groups\”. So I wouldn\’t expect much more trouble now. Likely there will be small groups blocking intersections all night long but I doubt they\’ll have the numbers to \”smash the Xcel\” as was their intended goal earlier.

Many compliments go to the St. Paul police, the Ramsey County Deputies and the other agencies involved. They showed great restraint today. There were several instances where things could have turned very ugly very quickly. But police kept their powder dry and were very tolerant of the protesters….which is as it should be.

And thus comes to a close the protests of the RNC. The GOP was able to have it\’s convention. The protesters were able to say whatever it is the hell they had to say. Nobodies rights were violated and we can all go home….well except for those that apparently can\’t be bothered to follow the law.

[Crossposted at True North]

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Mistaken Ragen

August 28th, 2008 by Kevin

Anyone that ever worked in retail or customer service (heh, didn\’t everyone at least once in their lives?) shares a common bond. The knowledge that those jobs would be great if it weren\’t for the damn customers. Which is why I\’ve enjoyed Not Always Right, which is a site a friend of mine sent me a few weeks ago. The stories are amusing in a nostalgic sort of way. Even if you never worked a pizzeria, or tech support, you can relate.

But anyone that\’s ever puzzled at the fascination of youth with Che Guevara, can definitely relate to this:

(I overheard this in a comic book store in a trendy area of town.)

Teenager: *points to t-shirt of Che Guevara* \”Hey look, it’s the lead singer of Rage Against The Machine!\”

Teenager’s friend: \”I am totally buying one!\”

If you\’ve ever actually spoken to some kid wearing a Che shirt, it\’s not that hard to believe this tale of retail is probably true. And it reminds me a little of a parody motivation poster:


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Kos I Said So!

July 22nd, 2008 by Kevin

The online wingnut hippies are having their yearly counseling session. All the usual loonies are there. From the Godfather of Online Wackiness Kos to His Holy Hypocriteness Al Gore. Hotline is covering the madness, including a set of quotes from some of the more prominent lunatics.

\”There\’s a really huge misconception in the traditional media about who we are as a voting group. And I say \’traditional media,\’ not \’mainstream media,\’ because we are the mainstream…On issue after issue, we are where the American people reside.”
Markos Moulitsas (aka \”Kos\”)

Mainstream? You got to be kidding me. This from the same guy that attacked left-winger Harold Ford Jr as a right-wing shill. This from the same guy that helped run the revolt against Lieberman by promoting Ned Lamont, which the voters (the majority) then roundly rejected that choice and re-elected Lieberman.

“I’m even more confident than the money markets that Obama will be the next President.”
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman

Does that mean I get everything you have invested in the market when he\’s not?

“There used to be an old-timey remedy for hangovers called ‘the hair of the dog that bit you.’ They’d recommend going in and just having another drink in the morning if you had a hangover. Well, that’s sort of what this reminds me of. ‘Oh, we have a fossil fuel crisis? Well, let’s just go back for more.’ When you’re in a hole, stop digging!”
Al Gore

Ok, what\’s the remedy when there is also scientific data saying you\’re not in a hole, but rather are the fool on the hill? What about when you repeatedly making claims of said hole beneath us, only to be repeatedly proven to be a complete and utterly incorrect baffoon.

“The bigger our victories, the more bipartisanship you’ll see in the Congress.”
— Speaker Nancy Pelosi

So I guess in Nancy\’s eyes bi-partisanship means the cooperation of the left and the far left. Neat. They have a place for that, it\’s call Europe. And it lags behind the US by leaps and bounds.

“Still today we see the success of the Right’s project of cowing the media…We have a President who has been at 30% approval for about two years now. Where is that viewpoint reflected? Where is the viewpoint on television — cable news especially — that this is a country that soundly, almost universally, rejects this President? Where is that viewpoint portrayed?”
Duncan Black (aka “Atrios”)

Were is the viewpoint portrayed indicating the even lower approval rating of the Democratic-led Congress???

“The way the mainstream media is treating Michelle Obama right now is a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace. And this community is in a better position than any community in our country to make sure it doesn’t go down that way.\”
— Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD)

That\’s a disgrace. Then what do you call the \”Bush = Hitler = Satan\” mantras that have been going on for seven solid years?? What do you call the racist portrayals of Condi Rice?? What do you call the sexist attacks on Laura Bush?

“[Obama’s campaign has] millions of donors and the average gift is $68. You want campaign finance reform? I’ll give you campaign finance reform. When the average gift to your Presidential campaign is $68, you are owned by nobody but the American people.”
— DNC Chairman Howard Dean

Does that count the supporters he has had to throw underneath the bus?? Virtually everyone he\’s known longer than 30 seconds, is either a closet racist or utterly corrupt. So do their contributions count in that total?

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New Bragging Rights Invented In California

July 8th, 2008 by Kevin

If California didn\’t exist, we\’d have to invent them….or die of boredom.

California is making it mandatory for cars to be labeled with global warming scores, figures that take into account emissions from vehicle use and fuel production.

The law requiring the labels goes into effect at the start of next year for all 2009 model cars, though its expected the labels will be popping up on cars in the coming months.

Clearly this is meant to work on the scarlet letter principle. By forcing you to carry around this global warming number, it\’s meant to shame people into buying hybrids and other such \”almost-cars\”. Now in elite parties all over California you\’ll have conversations like this:

Pompous Ass 1 : My this arugula is exquisite. And this wine has such a beached whale aftertaste that goes well with the marsupial spunk highlight.
Pompous Ass 2 : Yes it is a fine selection. It always reminds me of New Jersey in the summer.
Pompous Ass 2 : Did you see my new boy toy??
Pompous Ass 1 : Oh yes, so lovely, and at only 12 years old he\’s to die for.
Pompous Ass 2 : Speaking of riding, what are you driving?
Pompous Ass 1 : Oh you\’re naughty, I\’m driving a 7. You?
Pompous Ass 2 : Puhlease! As if I\’d drive a 7, I\’m driving a 9.
Pompous Ass 1 : A 9?? Oh how nice. What is it?
Pompous Ass 2 : A bicycle but it\’s got such a cute basket!

I\’m even envisioning new movies where the global warming number of the bad guys vehicle is used as a plot device. The lunancy of such an idea allows for no end to the idiocy of potential ideas.

Of course I think they are also not considering the other end of the equation. There are people (myself included) who don\’t give a damn what their global warming index is. In fact, some (myself included) might even take a certain perverse degree of pleasure in having a \”bad\” global warming index….if for no other reason that to twist the tails of some of the eco-hippies. It might even work as a selling point

AD : Now announcing the 2009 Hummer, now with a sub-zero global warming index!!

There are people that can be shamed by something like this global warming index. But then again those people have probably already switched to \”green\” vehicles. And then there are people that either don\’t care, or care but for the opposite reasons, that this just isn\’t going to affect…and they are probably the ones still driving those \”bad\” vehicles. In other words, it\’s not only a shitastic idea, it\’s also ineffective.

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Bush Drinks The Green Kool-Aid

April 17th, 2008 by Kevin

Many months ago, I was enjoying an evening with some friends of mine, in the riverside home of one of their parents. And as it commonly does with this group the topic eventually came to politics. At this time the Republican nomination was definitely up for grabs…in fact I don\’t even think Fred Thompson was in the race yet.

My friend\’s father expressed that he rather hoped Newt would jump into the race because he was the only one that represented conservative ideals. I hated to pop his bubble, but knowing he global warming swindle annoyed him, I had to say something. I pointed out that even Newt had drank the Gore-Aid. He couldn\’t believe it and you could see the disappointment in his face even before he expressed it.

Today I think conservatives everywhere are making the same face at the news that President Bush is going to surrender to the global warming conman, lead by the Prophet Goracle. Despite all credible evidence to the contrary, apparently Bush is planning on following Gore, by leading this country straight into a rotting pile of tofu.

Is it any wonder that Republicans at all levels, are having problems raising money?? Is it any wonder that Republican ranks have failed to swell in the face of liberal stupidity? Is it any wonder that conservatives have failed to embrace the Republican Party in general so far this election??

Perhaps is because every time they do, they are betrayed by it\’s leaders again and again??

We trusted that the Republican Party would be fiscally responsible. Instead we got rampant spending and a worsening culture of earmarks.

We trusted the Republican Party to keep our country secure. Instead they refuse to secure our own borders and in fact lead the effort to reward lawlessness.

We trust the Republican Party to act ethically. Instead we get the stupid scandals out of many Republicans as we get out of the Democrats.

We trust the Republican Party to push the principals of personal responsibility. Instead we get massive taxpayer-funded bailouts every time the smallest thing goes wrong.

We trusted the Republican Party to at least behave in a competent manner. Instead we have a party acting as if one hand doesn\’t know what the other hand is doing.

Now all we ask is that the Republican Party not intentionally destroy our economy by buying into faulty propaganda, disguised as \”science\” and pursue policies that are guaranteed not to work even if the science was accurate. Instead we get the Goracle in Republican clothing.

If the Republican Party wants to know why it has issues, it need look no further than the mirrors in the head offices.

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Attention DFL….

April 8th, 2008 by Kevin

social engineering does NOT work.

Enacting city smoking bans appears to increase drunken driving, according to a new national study of arrests by Wisconsin researchers.

Fatal accidents involving alcohol increased after communities banned public smoking, the study to be released by the Journal of Public Economics found. The authors attributed the increase to people driving farther to drink, either to a place with an outdoor smoking area or a city without a ban.

“The increased miles driven by drivers who wish to smoke and drink offsets any reduction in driving from smokers choosing to stay home after a ban, resulting in increased alcohol-related accidents,” the study says.

I know this is a shock to many liberals. You just cannot legislate human behavior. Attempts to do so usually results in unexpected, and even worse, results.

Although I do understand their confusion. I mean social engineering has worked in a whole litany of areas, such as :

  • Well, there was that one time….oh wait
  • errr, how about that time we, uh……
  • but……
  • well, you see, it\’s depends how you define success….
  • what do you mean what is the definition of \”is\”??
  • look you asked me for a list I\’m trying to make one
  • for example…..ummm….
  • ….ok seriously….give me a second…
  • heh! Where are you going!???
  • I\’m not finished!!!

Um, yeah you are.

All liberals, repeat after me :

Social Engineering Does Not Work….Ever. Neither Does Socialism Or Communism

Repeat that phrase 42 times and then you can go back to enjoying your Arugula.

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