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Democrats Get Away With What Al Capone Couldn\’t

February 3rd, 2009 by Kevin

Obama has promised Hope™ and Change™, and finally we\’re getting some Change™ that I can believe in.  His Holiness has only been in office a few weeks and already He\’s increasing the tax revenues of the federal government.  By appointing yet another tax-dodger, He has forced said tax dodger to actually pay his taxes thereby bringing more money into the federal coffers.  At this pace, if we just let Obama keep appointing people to more and more positions He\’ll cover the entire federal deficit!

Hope™!!  Change™!!

Democrats that raise taxes on others but don\’t pay them themselves…

Timothy Geithner…
Tom Daschle…
Charlie Rangel…
Al Franken…

The list keeps growing. Gets pretty easy to advocate more taxes when you don\’t bother paying them themselves.  Even Al Capone couldn\’t get away without paying his taxes, but the Democrats apparently belong to an elite class for which paying taxes is optional.

In the Obama administration, double standards and hypocrisy are the rule of the day.  And it\’s the only rule that appears to stick.  Our own \”media watchdogs\” couldn\’t be bothered to notice, but Obama has now granted 17 waivers to his \”no lobbyists\” rule.  He\’s granted at least one waiver for every day He\’s been in office.

Hope™!!  Change™!!

When you grant waivers to one of your key campaign promises on a daily basis, your rule becomes a joke and so are all the voters that fell for it.  But on the plus side 66,882,230 people voted for Obama….that\’s a lot of tax dodgers.  We just need to bring enough of them back into the fold and we\’re back in the blue (normally we\’d be back in the black but Obama\’s election brought us to the post-racism era).

Hope™!!  Change™!!

UPDATE : Add Nancy Killefer to that list.

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One Response

  1. Night Writer Says:

    To be fair, in D.C. you can’t swing a cat in a search committee meeting without hitting a lobbyist. You’d have a better chance of keeping flies off of dog-shit than keeping lobbyists out of Washington. Only one lobbyist per day nominated? Admirable restraint!