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EckerNet Super-Cool Exciting Contest!! Part 42

October 10th, 2008 by Kevin

The Rankings Are As Follows:

For this contest you get to make up your own answers!! That’s right…just pretend you’re a real life journalist and just make shit up. Post answers in the comments. They will be judged on creativity, plausibility and humor.

Question : What is this a meeting of and what is being discussed?


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Posted in EckerNet Super-Cool Exciting Contest | 13 Comments »

13 Responses

  1. J. Ewing Says:

    Michael Moore fan club screens latest crockumentary.

  2. Tiger Lilly Says:

    And now the meeting of Unashamed, Uncontrolled Farters (UUF) shall commence. Number one on the agenda: The two young men you see in the picture are willing to take the dog to the vet after he passed out during our last meeting.

  3. drunkguy Says:

    Clearly its one of the famed MN Malitia Summits about 10 minutes after the final bowl of 7 meat chili has been consumed.

    They are discussing what time sunrise is, when they can start shooting, and which is better large fuller breasts or average yet perky breasts.. I bieleve that’s BT standing, making a strong statement on behalf of the former. Though 50c is clearly placing a counter point to the fact that all are lovely and should be boldly displayed for all to enjoy…

    wise man that 50c, wise man…

  4. Dan S. Says:

    The meeting is of high-level Obama campaign staffers in Oprah Winfrey’s basement, and they’re discussing the disastrous political consequences of the leak to Drudge of the photo behind the man standing.

    The two men in the photo are Bill Ayres on the left and beach bum Ty Coughlin on the right. So far, Obama’s associations with Ayres, Weather Underground, and ACORN haven’t shifted the polls away from Obama, but they know that any link, no matter how indirect or tenuous, to the “50k a month” enterprise is a scandal that no presidential campaign can withstand.

    Oh, the gas masks? That’s just because it’s Thursday, and it’s time for Ms. Winfrey’s weekly high colonic.

  5. Night Writer Says:

    The Membership Committee of the Butt-Ugly Club gathers to consider prospective new members.

  6. Night Writer Says:

    The Official MOB Mayoral Nominating Committee – Learned Foot, Joe Tucci, Iron Matron, Obnoxious Packer Guy, Bobo and Notorious B.I.L. – meeting to discuss this year’s slate of candidates. They’re wearing gas masks because Andee has already stapled their asses shut.

  7. Gasgwar Says:

    Global Warming Freaks of America meet to discuss how the popular heavy metal salute contributes to greenhouse gases and the inevitable doom of us all.

  8. Bike Bubba Says:

    Flatulence Anonymous meeting?

  9. Uncle Ben Says:

    Duh, it’s Slipknot.

  10. Night Writer Says:

    The Jroosh Truth Squad considering the offenses of Mr. Dilletante.

  11. Kevin Says:

    Drunkguy wins….mostly for invoking the MN Militia’s infamous 7-meat chili.


    …and the breast thing too…


    Tip to contestants…know your audience.

  12. Night Writer Says:

    Darn – I was just about to leave a caption stating that it was the Obama campaign committee trying to decide if it was finally time to call Joe the Plumber.

  13. drunkguy Says:

    They love me! They really love me! I’m shocked, I’m not even sure where to start. This is so unexpected… I guess I have to thank all that made this day possible.. obviously the other contestents, you were all great.. then there is my primary motivation, chili, and boobs. gotta thank all the boob carrying women out there…God bless em.. Don’t be ashamed, let them free for all to enjoy!!!

    and remember spay and neuter your pets…

    Thanks again!