Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.

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Deep Thoughts With Kevin

August 20th, 2009 by Kevin

I\’ve been busy and I really need to get some sleep so you click on each of these and then pretend I said something intelligent about them.

\"\" Twenty questions to ask at your next Town  Hall.

\"\" A perfect example of priorities.  The federal government doesn\’t have enough money left to enforce our border, despite their constitutional duty to do so.  But they have plenty of money to provide universal health care, something they don\’t have the constitutional authority to do.

\"\" A perfect example of what happens to a medical field when you remove the profit.  It drys up and goes away.

\"\" Heh, New York auto dealers just pulled out of the Cash for Clunkers program since it\’s a giant clusterfuck.  Someone explain to me again why we should trust the feds to run health care if they can\’t even run a car promotion?

\"\" Wow….just wow.  Republicans are now more trusted than Democrats on health care.  In fact, Republicans now lead on eight of ten issues.  Sounds like the Democrats mandate is over.

\"\" Obama has a habit of claiming support where there is none.  For Porkulus, he claimed Caterpillar was going to start hiring again because of Porkulus.  Turns out no, they\’d still lay people off.  Now he claims AARP is supporting ObamaCare? No, they aren\’t.

\"\" Another example of how this whole health care thing could backfire on us.  If you take all the profit out of the health care industry, eventually the money and investement goes elsewhere, and we lose the ability to respond quickly to real epidemics, instead of this stupid swine flu crap.

\"\" A gel condom that turns into a solid….it\’s pretty cool that science has the spare time for stuff like this.

\"\" Touchable holograms are becoming a reality….just imagine what that could do for the porn industry!  I mean I\’m sure it has other applications too….probably, maybe.

\"\" That \”Obama is Hitler\” protester?? Well he\’s a Democrat plant.  Oh and that doctor that stood up and said they supported ObamaCare?? Not only was it a Democrat plant, but they aren\’t even a doctor.  Yet it\’s Republicans who are staging and orchestrating these events?

\"\" Irony Alert!  Democrat who is against requiring voter ID to vote, is now requiring ID in order to attend their Town Hall event.  I thought that disenfranchised people?

\"\" When Bush was President we had people protesting the war every week outside my work place.  Ever since Obama got elected they\’ve stopped.  As it turns out it\’s a trend.  Basically war is okay as long as a Democrat is running it.

\"\" If states are looking for ways to save money to balance their budgets they might want to start with removing services for all illegal immigrants.  Arizona did and is saving money hand over fist.  For just one community college district they are saving over $8 million

\"\" A rather well worded response for those those health care reform proponents who claim that the government rationing health care is okay because we already do it in the private industry.

\"\" 54% says no health care reform is better than pissing the piece of shit Congress is debating.

\"\" Well shit…DNA evidence can now be fabricated.

\"\" Apparently having cured cancer and all other mysteries, science has determined that if there was a real zombie outbreak we\’re all totally screwed.

\"\" Oh good, Obama is abandoning facts and logic to sell healthcare, and instead relying on emotional pleas.  Because emotions is a good basis for public policy.

\"\" How those death panels would work.

\"\" Now cities are passing curfews for adults??  Did I miss a news story?? When did China annex New Jersey?  Don\’t get me wrong, I don\’t want it back, I\’m just curious when they took it over.

\"\" Greenpeace leader admits they totally lied about the arctic ice levels

\"\" Uh what?! Obama is subsidizing Brazil drilling oil of it\’s coasts?? Why are we subsidizing something in another country that he won\’t even let us do here.

\"\" It\’s always amusing when Obama provides some of the best arguments against ObamaCare.  This is what happens when he talks without TOTUS

\"\" In these times it\’s best to be very diligent when spending money.  For example, with a hotel room you\’ll want to pay attention not just to the cost but what amenities you\’re getting.  For example, does your hotel have it\’s own missile defense system?

\"\" FINALLY, Twitter is paying off… are 27 Playboy Playmates who twitter

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