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Recent Election Proves Runoff Voting Not A Good Idea

December 8th, 2008 by Kevin

Democrats have made a move for instant runoff voting to be used in MN. Basically you rank your choices, and if nobody gets a majority you start using the rankings until someone does.

There are lots of reasons to argue against this, but our recent US Senate recount adds and validates a damn good reason.  Clearly voters are barely capable of filing in a little bubble.  This is a skill children in early grade school have proven capable of mastering.  Plenty of examples of adults apparently unable to accomplish this have been well publicized by the media coverage of our recount.

Given that, what’s the likelihood that asking them to numerically and legibly rank candidates would go any better, if not be an outright travesty?  Even setting aside the confusion of having multiple votes for the same race, it just more chance for people to screw it up.

Not to mention that we were essentially spared the worst of a recount, such as what we saw in both Florida and Ohio in past elections.  Because of our clear cut laws on voting and voter intent and our electronic scan machines, we were spared much of the drama that usually accompanies these types of recounts elsewhere in the country.  Anyone out there still having nightmares of hanging chads??

Does anyone actually think adding at least one more (likely several) layers of complexity to our voting system is really a good idea?

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