2009 Predictions
December 31st, 2008 by Kevin
Well I did pretty good on my predictions for 2008. I correctly predicted both the eventual presidential nominees for the Republican and Democratic parties and the eventual outcome. I also predicted Coleman would lose to Ciresi, and I\’m confident that if Ciresi had been the DFL candidate he would have…without a recount being necessary. So I consider it a close enough that I predicted that Coleman would lose. Also correctly predicted the outcome of the SCOTUS Heller decision and a number of other issues.
So I like to think my crystal ball is working pretty well….so here\’s what it tells me for 2009
Despite eight years of liberals claiming otherwise, Bush will not in fact declare a dictatorship at the last minute…..yeah, I know I\’m starting them out tough.
Despite their respective scandals, neither Senator Dodd nor Senator Rangel will resign their Senatorship nor their respective committee chairmanship.
The irony that the only reason they\’re the chair of a committee is because Democrats regained the majority by campaigning on Republican\’s \”culture of corruption\” will never be mentioned by the mainstream media nor the liberal left (but I repeat myself).
Immigration will not become a major legislative issue this year
The recession will begin turning around in the fall of this year
Democrats will be unwilling to pass another bailout bill without bi-partisan support. Republicans will not provide it.
Obama, despite his record otherwise, will govern as a moderate this year
Fairness Doctrine, not gonna happen
Assault Weapons Ban? Not gonna happen, although if any anti-gun legislation is passed it\’ll be to increase tax on ammo….effectively accomplishing the same thing
Vikings? One and out in the playoffs
Wild? Don\’t even make the playoffs. Gaborik is traded at basement value to an east coast team.
A member of Obama\’s administration will be forced to resign due to a scandal
Global warming will lose popularity and credibility rapidly.
Some how that doesn\’t effect the fact that \”green jobs\” becomes the new hip trendy thing to worry about.
Microsoft gives up on making Vista work and just skips right to the next version. Consumers are somehow still stupid enough to buy it, not having learned the lesson of Vista.
Oil prices remain low through the year.
China is the first to start to recover from the recession with the US following shortly thereafter
Iran declares it has nuclear weapons, although this might actually be verified
Regime change in North Korea….from internal forces
Iraq continues to progress
In Afghanistan, the central government signs a power sharing agreement with the Taliban
Mainstream media continues it\’s love affair with Obama
Newspapers continue to go bankrupt
Israel stops it\’s war against Hamas before eliminating the threat. We got back to the same cycle all over again. Rinse. Repeat.
Large Hadron Collidor will be started up again and will complete a full scale test. World does not end
GM declares bankruptcy. Again world does not end….neither does GM.
Home prices continue to fall, bottom out in the spring. Eventually settle around a 3:1 to 5:1 median home price to median income ratio.
And that\’s 2009 for you.
UPDATE : It\’s been pointed out to me that I\’ve been negligent on my prediction for a draft. In the run up to the elections for both 2000 and 2004, liberals tried to scare college kids into voting for the Democrat by insisting that Bush was going to instate a draft. This claim was made with absolutely no evidence but that didn\’t stop them.
So here\’s my prediction….not a chance in hell.
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Posted in Yearly Predictions/Promises | 2 Comments »
December 31st, 2008 at 1:49 pm
What? No prediction about the impending draft reinstatement? You’ve been the go to guy for updates on that one.
January 4th, 2010 at 2:20 am
[…] 2009 predictions came off pretty good so I think I’ll take another shot at predictions for […]