Time For Change
November 6th, 2008 by
Ok so Obama has been elected President, so according to the behavior of virtually every lefty for the last eight years I am now entitled to:
- Declare that he\’s not my president
- Insist every single problem from Global Warming to foot fungus is the sole problem of Obama
- Call Obama Hitler at every opportunity and even especially in situations that don\’t call for it
- Argue intelligently how Obama was selected not elected
- Bash my country and insist it\’s the worst thing to ever soil the planet
- Insult voters and harp about whatever the black equivalent of \”Jesusland\” is.
- Intentionally sabotage efforts on behalf of this country\’s wellbeing just so it can make Obama look bad
- Act like a intemperate two year old with the longest temper tantrum in recorded history
- Call any Obama supporter a facist
- Violence, property damage and generally any irrational behavior that comes to mind
- Insist Obama is a imbecilic moron while simultaneously declaring his actions the work of an evil mastermind
- Photoshop pictures of Obama as a monkey (funny how it was okay when it was Bush, but now it\’s racist huh?)
- Hang effigies of Obama (funny how it was okay when it was Bush, but now it\’s racist huh?)
- Obsessively point out his lack of military service any time he so much as blinks in the direction of our military
- Make death threats on a whim
Thanks but no thanks. I don\’t see how acting like a petulant child for the next four years helps anyone and doesn\’t annoy the piss out of everyone.
Besides there are lots of silver linings here….
- Conservatives don\’t have to pretend to support a RINO as president. Let\’s face it, slamming my head into the wall every time Bush came up with something was causing my medical bills to get out of control.
- Obama actually has to deliver on all his promises. Which by last calculations, the lost continent of Hopenchange should be rising from the ocean sea bed by Christmas and the gumdrop trees should be in full bloom by spring.
- Democrats finally have to discover that an agenda isn\’t just blaming Republicans. Now that they control all branches, they are actually gonna have to do…..well, something….anything. Or else look like the impotent asshats they are.
- Voters have to occasionally be reminded what exactly Democrats do when given the reins of power. It\’s been a generation since Carter….time to refresh the tree of knowledge.
- Oh John McCain won\’t be President….yeah, I\’m still a little bitter about being called a racist because I believe in enforcing immigration law.
- Talk show hosts, bloggers and conservative political pundits will have four straight years of an avalanche of topics to write/rant/talk/etc about.
- By that same token Daily Kos and the other nutroots have nothing to talk about. They have to defend those same brownshirts they called fascists until just recently.
- The Republican party had three straight election cycles of getting it\’s RINO tendencies out of it\’s system, perhaps they\’re willing to return to their roots now??
It\’s all in how you look at it.
And if we learned one thing from the Carter administration, it\’s that this country is strong enough to withstand a bad President.
God Bless America
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