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Deep Thoughts With Kevin

August 14th, 2008 by Kevin

It\’s time to unleash my thinkiness on my linkiness because my laziness hasn\’t provided me timiness to do some writiness.

\"bullet\" Good News : Your pacemaker is more advanced than you thought. Bad News : Well basically it\’s wireless and someone has already figured out how to kill you via that wireless interface.

\"bullet\" Obama Hates Children…..yeah, the Induced Birth Infant Liability Act is something you\’re probably going to hear about a lot in the coming days. Basically it is a law that would protect the life of infants who survived an attempted abortion. Obama voted against it when he was an Illinois legislator. He claims it was because the bill didn\’t have a neutrality clause….but at one point, in committee (HIS committee) it did, and he still voted against it. Then again this is the same Obama who doesn\’t even know what committees he\’s on so how can you blame the guy.

\"bullet\" How the drop in the price of oil is almost single handily improving our economy.

\"bullet\" Good News : The Iranians finally found a hobby. Bad News : That hobby is apparently to figure out how to launch an effective EMP attack on the United States.

\"bullet\" Time is running out on building that border fence. Congressional mandate expires in December. But PETA might help us pay for it!

\"bullet\" Cindy McCain uses her son\’s service in the military to score political points?? So sad. While I do appreciate their service, I always thought one of the most classy things about McCain is that he stood on his own merit and intentionally did not make mention of his son\’s service.

\"bullet\" Captain Planet was always one of the stupidest and most pointless \”super-heros\” every devised. So I guess it makes sense that Obama is trying to impersonate him.

\"bullet\" Want to ditch your gas guzzling SUV for a more fuel efficient vehicle??? Hold on there fella, chances are it\’s a pretty bone-headed move….and not just because you\’re turning into a smelly hippy.

\"bullet\" Old&Busted : RickRolling New&Sexy : BarackRolling

\"bullet\" Participated in a teleconference with John Kline earlier. The Lady Logician damn near has a transcript of the entire thing, while Capt Ed offers some good commentary on what was discussed.

\"bullet\" How many of the 100 most common English words can you come up with in 5 minutes?? I got 57, how about you?

\"bullet\" How many of the 50 largest countries can you name in 5 minutes?? I got 37, how about you?

\"bullet\" Nancy Pelosi claims to be a Washington outsider??? Just how stupid does she think Americans are?? And just in case there are people that are buying it, I\’m willing to sell the San Fransisco bridge to any takers for the low low prices of $1000.

\"bullet\" Scientist claim to have a theoretical design for a warp drive engine. Basically it boils down to getting around the laws of physics by bending space and time to achieve interdimensional travel. Hmmmm, I think I\’ve seen this before and it didn\’t turn out too well for them if I remember right. Liberate tutame ex inferis

\"bullet\" The Democratic Party platform, the one Obama claims he supports, still includes reinstating an Assault Weapons Ban.

\"bullet\" Finally we\’ve found Bigfoot, to be revealed on Friday….supposedly. In related news, still no cure for cancer, AIDS, or mono.

\"bullet\" An agreement between the US and Iraq has been reached. Assuming continued progress on the level of violence, troops are out in three years. And by this time next year, they\’ll be mostly in large bases outside the cities.

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Posted in Deep Thoughts With Kevin | 5 Comments »

5 Responses

  1. JRoosh Says:

    I think your Series of mini-posts might be better than your posts (especially your EckerNet Super-Cool Exciting Contest which I never win any more)

  2. Kevin Says:

    I’m not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult ❗ ❓

  3. JRoosh Says:

    …like I would insult a guy with pictures on his blogof he and his various and assorted weaponry.

    It was a compliment

  4. Kevin Says:

    You learn fast! 😆

  5. J. Ewing Says:

    Kline concall analysis can be found at:

    Nancy Pelosi is more than just a Washington outsider. She’s an America-outsider and maybe even other-worldly.